Month: August 2023

Marty’s Reef via Makena Landing

A first today: Using scooters to get to Marty’s reef from Makena Landing. T’was easy as pie. 2nd dive was just a slow, relaxing kick dive.
Ulua x2 Up Close

Putting a new Macro lens through its paces. It’s tricky as the focal range is very very short, like less than an inch, on the macro ultra close-up shots.
Pu’u Olai & Wailea Point (night)

Went out with Island Style Diving yesterday for a dusk/night dive. Molokini was the planned destination, but it was too rough from high winds. Trying out the new Divevolk iPhone housing which allows using the native iPhone camera app (which is far superior to the camera apps provided by the housing manufacturers) as this housing […]
More Ulua Reef Pics

Frogfish Hawaiian Green Lionfish Milkfish Miscellaneous
Sunday at my church: The St Anthony

Used the scooters to go out to the St Anthony again. New dive buddy Daniel wanted to try the Lefeet tank mounted scooter, so I used the Scubajet and we launched from Mokapu Beach. I finally got my St Anthony nav groove back; No more searching for the wreck, this time I hit it dead […]

Today was the day to test out new gear, and Ulua is always the perfect place for that. Trying out the new Kraken Wide Angle Conversion lens for the Kraken Smartphone housing. It is working quite well, I think. You be the judge. Also tried my new Aqualung Axiom i3+ BC with and without the […]
Makena Full Moon Night Dive 8-1-2023

Once, long ago, I did a night dive under a full moon when the water and sky were so clear that my buddy and I (can’t remember who it was now, some instructor friend no doubt) did the whole dive without turning on our lights. It was bright enough to see where we were going […]